Futuristic Polar Bears
Futuristic Polar Bears is a trio consisting of Fran Cosgrave, Luke Hayes, and Rhys Buckley. Fran Cosgrave and Luke Hayes had already known each other for about a decade before bringing in Rhys Buckley to join with them to make music. Their big break came in 2013 at the festival TomorrowWorld, when internationally acclaimed DJ Hardwell played one of their songs, titled “Back to Earth”. His promotion of their track was enough to send them into the spotlight, and DJ Hardwell eventually signed the trio to his label to further their musical endeavors. The single from TomorrowWorld was released through Revealed Recordings, and became one of the most prominent songs of the summer. The trio recently began a podcast titled Global Radio Show, where they showcase and interview artists of many different genres and styles.
Futuristic Polar Bears contact information is available for you to look at. We have Futuristic Polar Bears’s manager information, along with their booking agents info as well. If you want the Futuristic Polar Bears email address for their management team, or booking agency, we have that available for you to view by signing up. You can find the Futuristic Polar Bears booking info and booking price here: